Małgorzata K. Krzciuk

© Małgorzata K. Krzciuk Artykuł udostępniony na licencji CC BY-SA 4.0


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In the paper, we are considering the problem of the prediction for small areas under the assumption of a linear mixed model with correlated random effects. The aim of the simulation study was to analyse the properties of the proposed empirical best predictors (EBP) under the assumption of the model with two correlated random effects specific for domains. Additionally, we addressed the problem of the reduced accuracy resulting from the estimation of model parameters and the influence of model misspecification in the case of the lack of correlation. Scripts for the Monte Carlo simulation analyses are prepared in R language and based on real data on entities registered in the REGON base in 2017 from the Local Data Bank of Statistics Poland.
The study demonstrates that the EBP for a model with correlation has good properties even if no correlation between random effects is assumed. In such a case, the mean loss of accuracy resulting from the model misspecification is no more than 2%. The results indicate that for larger sample sizes and more realisations of random effects, the model parameters, for example ????, are estimated more accurately, which can have a significant impact on the properties of the proposed predictor, including its accuracy.


small area estimation, prediction, empirical best predictor, EBP, linear mixed model, Monte Carlo, simulation study


C53, C51, C63, C83


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