Marcin Salamaga

© Marcin Salamaga Artykuł udostępniony na licencji CC BY-SA 4.0


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The diffusion of innovation involves the spread of new solutions in the field of technology, organisation of production and marketing, as well as knowledge among enterprises-imitators, the society, etc. The aim of the research described in the paper is to assess the volume and rate of the diffusion of mobile technologies in the processing industry and to determine the nature and strength of the impact of investment specialisation (investment attractiveness) and industry export specialisation on this phenomenon in the Visegrad Group (V4) countries as a whole. The occurrence of innovation diffusion and its dynamics were examined using the econometric model of the Gompertz function. An error correction model (ECM) was used to determine the impact of V4 countries’ investment and export specialisation on the process of innovation diffusion. The ECM was estimated for selected industrial processing sectors. The study is based on data on foreign trade, innovation and foreign direct investment for the years 2010–2021 obtained from Eurostat and the national statistical institutions of Poland, Czechia, Hungary and Slovakia. The research results show that the diffusion of mobile technologies in the V4 countries occurs in various industries, but its rate varies depending on the degree of the industry’s technological advancement and the ownership structure of the enterprise capital.


innovation, diffusion of innovation, mobile technologies, Gompertz function, error correction model, ECM, Visegrad Group, V4


O30, C22


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