© Joanna Dębicka, Edyta Mazurek, Katarzyna Anna Ostasiewicz Artykuł udostępniony na licencji CC BY-SA 4.0
The Thurstone method is a method of aggregation of preferences that leads to ordering objects at an interval scale, in contrast to other methods of aggregation, the application of which results in obtaining the ordinal scale only. However, we demonstrate that the interval scale obtained by means of the Thurstone method is not fully reliable, as it is strongly susceptible to the problem of irrelevant alternatives, i.e., the order of two objects might be dependent on whether there is or not a third, completely independent object in the studied collectivity.
The other issue examined in the paper is the formula that is to be minimised in the Thurstone method. Thurstone proposed a formula easy to be minimised with tabularised values of normal distribution. However, today’s calculation powers of computers make it possible to minimise another formula, which allows a better fit of observed frequencies to the predicted ones, and makes it possible to avoid the problem with empirical frequencies close to 1.
The aim of the paper is to propose two improvements to the Thurstone method. The first one involves the application of the rule of thumb to the minimal spacing (in terms of standard deviations), below which the ordering of objects cannot be regarded as reliable, and the use of the method of empirical examining of the stability of order. The second of the proposed improvements consists in minimising a formula other than the original one, especially in the cases where empirical frequencies reach very high values.
the Thurstone method, dependence on irrelevant alternatives, aggregation of preferences, ordering of objects
C18, C83, C46
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