Teresa Słaby

(Angielski) PDF


The growing share of seniors in the population of Poland and the lack of systemic solutions in the field of social security, resulting from the lack of diagnosis of real needs of this group, imposes the extension of research tasks undertaken so far. Such diagnosis is needed to build a housing system for the Polish seniors. The objective of the article is to present selected results of research on the needs of people aged 60+ conducted in 2017. The study of quantitative and qualitative nature, was based an online questionnaire (CAWI — Computer-Assisted Web Interview) as well as on a questionnaire distributed in paper form and individual interviews were also conducted (IDI — In-depth Interview).
The results of the quantitative research together with the recommendations included in the expertise can constitute a field for entrepreneurship at various levels of activities in construction and services related to facilities in the existing housing infrastructure. Senior housing requires sectoral cooperation, various forms of construction and financing models for housing construction.


construction, needs of the seniors, intangible services, quality of life, housing conditions


C19, D12, R11, R20


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